What Is the Best iOS Launcher for Android

Most people own a smartphone, and a good portion of those own an iPhone; However, most don’t know how to actually use it. You’re not the only person who isn’t sure about most of their phone. Read the…


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Stop Drinking and Lose Weight

I spent the entire decade of my 20s trying to lose weight, always struggling with those last 5–10 pounds. I honestly gained the weight in the first place due to “adulting” or drinking every weekend and going out to parties in college. But one day in my early-twenties, I woke up to effects and realized I slowly (or quickly?) ballooned way past my natural weight. And so the dieting plans ensued.

I did juice cleanses. I ate quinoa. I did low-carb, intermittent fasting, and high intensity workouts. I joined a gym. I joined a yoga studio. There was the time I wanted to lose ten pounds for my wedding. Or the times I wanted to lose a few before other people’s weddings. The times before cruises (wanting to look good in a bikini) and the times before family vacations. Each attempt to lose weight was so hard, filled with so much deprivation and crazy routines — and the thing is, for so much work, they barely got me the results I wanted. The number on the scale is definitely not what defines our worth, but who hasn’t gone through the same struggle to lose weight or slim down? In reality, there was little of my time as a drinker when I wasn’t always looking to lose a few. And who could blame me?

Alcohol packs on the pounds. And honestly it’s far more sinister than just empty calories. Let’s explore why alcohol is correlated with weight gain and what you can expect once you stop drinking. Because maybe it wasn’t just me getting older all along but my complicated relationship with booze that was the culprit.

Diet rule number 1: don’t drink your calories. Which many people get the hang of and shun sodas and sweet fruit juices. Oh, but not with alcohol right? Alcohol pack on empty calories; it’s the second most energy-dense nutrient after fat. One glass of wine has between 150–200 calories. A beer clocks in between 100–200. Some heavy IPAs can be 300 calories. 300…

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